Approach to Treatment

One in ten people suffer from some form of sleep disorder that negatively impacts their health, while another 30% are chronically sleep deprived which affects both their health and their careers. Many of those with sleep disorders have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a potentially serious medical condition that can dramatically impact your general health and well-being.

At  Reve Sleep Centers, in collaboration with our network of sleep physicians and sleep surgeons, we can assess whether Oral Appliance Therapy is the best approach to  the underlying condition that causes you to snore or to lose sleep,  We help you find the long-term solution that’s right for you and improves not only your quality of life, but also your respective bed partner, who often suffers right along with you. The result is a healthier, quieter, longer-lasting sleep for everyone.

Our process is:

  • Fast, simple and convenient while producing immediate dramatic results
  • FDA approved
  • Partly or fully covered by most major health insurance providers


What can you expect at your initial consultation?

If you have not had a diagnostic sleep study completed, we will refer you to a sleep physician in our extensive network.  Should a sleep test be required, in most cases, you can complete your testing in the comfort of your own home bed or in an overnight sleep lab.

At Reve Sleep, Dr. Silverman will evaluate if you are an appropriate candidate for our non-invasive treatment solution, Oral Appliance Therapy.

If you have completed a sleep study within the past 4-5 years, please bring a copy to your initial consultation appointment. During treatment, you will have a follow up sleep study to be sure your oral appliance is achieving optimal results.

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